Yeah, I know. This is a gaming site, it should be gaming-related. Well, yeah. But it’s also my site and I’m more than just gaming. (See me as a person. SEE ME!)
Also, make this the next time you have people over to game. See? There’s your gaming connection.
Anyway, I had an impulse to write up my chili recipe and it’s a good one. It will offend anyone who like smooth chili and anyone who takes beans in their chili but that’s what it is. It’s a wonderful, tasty chili and I highly recommend it to you.
The Recipe
Here’s what you’re going to need:
Meat I like straight-up hamburger. About two pounds. If you want to sub in a pound of hot Italian sausage, I won’t fight you on it. You could even go with something like turkey but you’ll need more flavoring later.
Veggies This is a pepper-heavy chili. And it has no onions (just onion powder). So here’s the rundown of what I used last time:
- 2-3 Bell peppers (or mango peppers or whatever you call them. Mild, fleshy walls. Color doesn’t matter. I use green. If you want color, get red or orange or purple. Whatever.
- 10-11 Jalapenos. Yep. That many. Trust me. This is a big batch of chili.
- 3-4 of whatever other pepper you like. I bought a poblano, two cubanelles, and a Hungarian Wax Pepper (because it sounded cool.)
- Corn. Now, canned corn is fine. Just fine. BUT if you want the real goodness, you’ll roast some corn on its cob in the oven. It’s that good. We ran out (we had frozen some) but next year we’re roasting enough corn to last us through the winter. So tasty.
- Garlic. A whole bulb. 7-8 cloves. You can use the pre-chopped stuff, but you’re not a heathen, right?
- Tomatoes. Six big cans of diced or chopped or crushed tomatoes. You can use the same fresh equivalent, but you really need to take the skins off, which is a pain in the ass.
Spices ESSENTIAL. You’ve got to have good spices. You need the following:
- Adobo. Not the canned stuff with chilis. Adobo powder. You should be able to find it in the Latin Foods section. Trust me. This stuff… you’ll use it on everything.
- Chili powder. Or make your own. But you need something with cumin in it.
- Onion Powder. (You can use real onions, but I made a killer batch without it, so I’m going without.)
- Salt and pepper.
- Cinnamon. Trust me.
- Fennel seeds (whole). Also trust me.
- Cilantro (optional). But it’s only optional if it tastes like soap or pennies to you. Everyone else: NOT OPTIONAL
Other stuff Smooth peanut butter. Don’t look at me that way. Just buy it. Also, beer. Two cans. I use PBR but if you want to get fancy and add other flavors, go with something else.
That’s the rundown of the ingredients. Now, you can change up that list to suit you (see: Italian sausage) but then you wouldn’t be making my chili. Would you?
Preparing it!
Take your big pot. Whatever you make chili in. Put some olive oil in the bottom, place your meat in there. Turn the heat up, and let it brown. Salt, pepper, and adobo it.
While that’s going, chop up your peppers. And your garlic. I take the seeds out of everything but the jalapenos. Why? Spicy, that’s why!
Once the peppers and garlic are chopped, take a skillet and put it on high. A tiny bit of olive oil. Add the peppers. We’re looking to get blackened bits on them. Move them a lot. Add salt, pepper, onion powder, and adobo. In generous quantities. Once you see some translucency and some lovely burned bits, you’re ready.
Your meat should be done by then. Drain off the fat. Or not. But I do.
Mix everything together. Seared peppers and garlic, meat, corn, and six cans of tomatoes.
Here’s where you add your spices. A lot of them. 6-7 tablespoons of chili powder. More adobo. Cinnamon (about two teaspoons). Fennel seeds (about two Salt and pepper to taste. In fact, all of this is to taste.
Add the beer. And about a cup of peanut butter. Yes, really.
Turn the heat up until you see it boiling. Then put the lid on and let it sit for a few hours. Then taste the broth (avoid just straight oil). Imagine what it’ll be like cooked down. Add more spice stuff if you need to. Dream.
Then take the lid off and let it do its thing for at least an hour.
Then eat it, preferably with Fritos Scoops as your vessel for consumption. Forget spoons. Spoons are for the weak.